How to deploy Win32 applications with Microsoft Intune: a how-to guide

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Everyone can agree that packaging and creating a Windows app is a daunting task. In this blog, we will show you step-by-step how to package and deploy a Win32 app in Microsoft Intune and how to do this in a smart way just in a couple of clicks. What is a win32 app? Win32 applications […]

Getting started with Windows Autopatch: a step-by-step guide

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Autopatch, which is available for public review since April, as it will become generally available very soon.* *According to Microsoft, Windows Autopatch will launch in July 2022 It’s worth getting educated about this new feature of Microsoft Endpoint Manager and its potential impacts on you as an IT admin will be. What is Windows Autopatch […]

What is Patch Management: stages, best practices, challenges, automated patch management

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Patch management is the practice of deploying software updates, or “patches”, to protect a system or network from vulnerabilities. Patch management plays a crucial role in IT system lifecycle management and vulnerability management. A patch is an update provided by a software vendor to fix a technical issue or remediate a security vulnerability. Patches can […]